Only Qualification for membership: Desire for a sustainable extra income!

Longrich is about 34 years old and is present in the US, UK, Europe, Africa and Asia and so a UK resident may registered by a US, European, African or Asian country resident/stockist and vice-versa.

It's indeed an International Business that can be done from any country of the world and even in lock-down situation. It's a plain, transparent business and Longrich has its good name to protect. Just google any info that you want on it.

*List of Longrich Registered Stockists in Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia, South Africa, UK, Europe, etc., are below. To do the business, all you need is your Registration Code and addresses of Stockists.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


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One of my downlines Mrs Elizabeth had her son involved in a home accident.
The boy was electrocuted. He passed out for 4 hours.
Doctors did their best & he finally came back to life. But the finger was already damaged.
It was pure black. No more blood supply.  It began to decay.
The small baby endured so much pain. 
Doctors tried their best to save the finger but the more they tried the worse it became. They started considering cutting off the finger. She worried about permanent disability, reached out to me and I said easy job, just apply our tooth paste after cleaning the wound, wrap anion strip (strip on pantyliner) around it and hold in place with plaster or bandage.
My people in 3 days wonders happened. The wound began to heal.
In 1 week it had healed and 2 weeks after the flesh is completely healed and restored as you can see.
Longrich rocks.
This little boy's finger would have been amputated but Longrich saved the day.
This is one of the reasons I love Longrich. Putting smiles on faces.
I love what I do - Ahaoma


Partners please celebrate with me ooπŸ₯πŸŽ·πŸŽΊ πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌAm🀰🏽🀰🏽
For 3yrs I have been trying to get pregnant, I have visited so many hospitals and I have done so many lab tests, the funny thing there is that  the results I got from each one is different from one another; one fake prophet like that said my (innocent) grandma has to die before I got pregnantπŸ™†πŸ½β€β™€πŸ™†πŸ½β€β™€πŸ™†πŸ½β€β™€ .

To cut the story short,I met joyrich (she's God sent) around Feb on social media , I told her what am passing through  she said I should start  using the sanitary napkin, panty liner and mengqian capsule, that it going to work for me', I said Amen but... for my mind that Amen is Not strong. I tested positive✝ few days ago, after just 2 months of using the product. Each time I come across the pregnancy strip I keep wondering if it's mine or is it just a dream... 



Wao! Finally I have to gist you about my super Longrich products. I'm super excited too. Towards end of 2016 when I put to bed, a friend of mine came visiting, she had been eagerly waiting for a second baby for years but to no avail , I just joined Longrich then but had heard others testimonies so I encouraged her to use it (pantyliner), she did and sold some for me. Months after I saw her with big tummy and she finally put to bed some months ago. During the time she was heavy I decided to keep quiet and try to help another person who confided in me. After explaining our products to her, I told her what to do, she did and she just put to bed this morning. I've been dancing because through Longrich I have put smile on someone.


*I just can't keep calm! Its Testimony timeπŸ’ƒπŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸ·I introduced Longrich opportunity n products to a neighbour of mine 1 year n six months ago n found out from her that she wanted to get pregnant after her first child of 4years + then I suggested our fertility supplement (Menqgian) n pantyliner but she waved it aside as one of those market strategies🀐after all she worked at a teaching hospitalπŸ‘Œ2 months ago,  I walked up to her with all d testimonies I have been getting from my biz platform " U must take this Longrich products I said." She said she has been on lots of medications n therapies from doctors n all but nothing, since am saying this again she will try it but she doesn't have money now o they have not paid them previous month; I said don't worry take it whenever they pay u can pay. She was grateful. Yesterday she asked for my account details n transfered to me. This morning she knocked at my door about 6:am. She was so happy sharing d good news that she is already pregnant following month after using d product. She said if she knew she would have listened to me earlier n  called me a "Carrier of grace"!πŸ˜‡ I give God d gloryπŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒLongrich truly rocks
Shared by Brr. Mrs L.


Gudmorning house...Exactly I am a living testimony...had a very serious injury on my finger...applied all medications and all was in vain and I had call my mum to tell her what am  passing thru...she told me to apply longrich people I applied it...instantly d pain disappeared.


Seriously that toothpaste is very effective. My child fell n sustained a wound rushing with blood.  At that moment what came to my mind to stop the blood was the toothpaste, and immediately I applied it on the fresh wound the blood stopped n the wound got healed in less than 3 days.
The toothpaste works like magic - Joe


Good morning all, I visited a former colleague of mine who put to bed 7 months ago...we got talking, I told her about our products...she was very interested in the panty liner, so aside the gifts (Longrich gifts), I brought for baby, I gave her a pack of the panty liner. This was precisely on the 11th of May, 2018. She called me a week after '18th), she wanted to attend our seminars and on the 19th at the seminar, she registered. 

And,  gave  me this testimony...she noticed a warm or burning feel in her stomach on the  fourth day of using the panty liner. She felt pressed, and because of the odd feeling, she decided to use her baby's potty, she was shocked when she saw 5 strange lumps. She got a stick, tried to separate the stuff to know what it was... It was when she called her mother to observe it, that she was told that it was fibroid. And she noticed that her stomach that looked as though she had another baby on the way was now flat. 

I had to seek her permission to share this...those of you who were at the Saturday seminar two Saturday's ago would remember the lady with the baby that was crying - Hannah


*My Sweet and funny testimony with Longrich panty liner*

So, this afternoon, my younger sister started with a running nose and heavy sneezing. Whenever this starts, it will result in headache and serious unrest and it usually takes time and a lot for her to get stable again cos she has traces of Asthma.
Because I was around, she came to me and asked if Longrich has anything that can help her. I told her we have so much that can help her but that at the moment, I only have the panty liner with me. Hmmm. That's how we decided to do our own experiment amidst laughter. We wet the panty liner, removed the green strip that contains the *anion, and fra infrared* and placed same on her nose. Lo and behold! within 5 minutes, we had a completely dry nose. No more sneezing. Even me that is a Longricher was sceptical about the whole thing. I was suggesting that she wears the panty liner under her pant and pray it works on her nose while she said she would rather place it on her nose  (ignorant me). Dear partners, 3-5 mins was all it took for everything to subside. *Hmm, this Panty liner na wa Oh!


I came to know this coy thru Peace Udokamma Amadi all the way in Abuja. It took time for her to convince me to come & experience her joy.
To shorten everything I registered April this year. Since that time I have been playing my part for Longrich to rock more.
On the 13th/14th of this month I had excruciating pains on my waist that I can't sit nor stand with ease, in the bathroom bending down is out of it, wearing my pant is another challenge. I now remember all my upline told me about panty liner. I bought Eva water on the 15th of this month being Sunday(1.5 ltrs)unwrapped the panty liner & brought out the green side soaked three inside the bottled water. Monday morning I took it first thing that was how I was visiting the restroom to pass water. Last thing in the night before going to bed the same experience of visiting the restroom l took it for three days on the fourth day I woke up sharp sharp even looking for the pains. The height of it was in the bathroom no discomfort. I have been doing my normal activities since today. I don't have to wait for tomorrow because this body belongs to me & I know what took place.The joy was beyond me that I had to call my colleague in Abuja that is aware of the pains. When I told her that I have relief the next thing she replied was"Anion" my response to her is"YES".

..... Ebere 


My husband had small bumps on his face after shaving. I suggested trying the Longrich toothpaste. He did so reluctantly and they cleared! This Longrich toothpaste is really something else o. Debbie.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Longrich toothpaste saves baby's finger from amputation

One of my downlines Mrs Elizabeth had her son involved in a home accident.

The boy was electrocuted.

He passed out for 4 hours.

Doctors did their best & he finally came back to life.

But the finger was already damaged.

It was pure black. No more blood supply.

It began to decay.

The small baby endured so much pain. 

Doctors tried their best to save the finger but the more they tried the worse it became. They started considering 

cutting off the finger.

She worried about permanent disability, reached out to me and I said easy job, just apply our tooth paste after

cleaning the wound, wrap anion strip around it and hold in place with plaster or bandage.

My people in 3 days wonders happened. The wound began to heal.

In 1 week it had healed and 2 weeks after the flesh is completely healed and restored as you can see.

Longrich rocks.

This little boy's finger would have been amputated but Longrich saved the day.

This is one of the reasons I love Longrich.

Putting smiles on faces.

I love what I do.

Longrich... Better life, better future

The many uses of Longrich anion strip

The many uses of Longrich anion strip (on surface of pantyliner & sanitary pad)